The perspective of managing as Darth Vader from the stand point of “What Managers Should Do to Support Training” (noe 187).
If you are working as Imperial commander you're under allot of stress. Mainly because your boss, Darth Vader, has extremely high standards for what he wants to accomplish. Heck, its a prime example of a hostile work environment which would be an example of harassment. How would you like it if the only position up the ladder from yours is one where they don't just get fired because of bad performance they get force chocked. That is what happens when there is no rules and you're the one that makes the rules.
Let us get back on track here. How would someone support training when there is no training? You're put in a management position and told if you don't succeed you're going to die. That reminds me of a story about a guy that didn't have a CDL and was told by his boss to drive the truck from one city to another. He had to learn pretty darn quick how to drive manually in order to get the job done. (this story is true and is an account from a Frito-Lay employee here in Utah)There's no training in there.
Darth Vader should know this, that he needs to learn how to support employees and not treat them like flies. He also needs to understand the content, know how to train, and give feed back instead of death wishes.
"..focusing strictly on results does not provide guidance on how to improve." (noe, 226)
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